Author name: Jackie Smith

Why The Japanese women Never Get Fat And Live The Longest!

Japanese women hold the record for the longest living women worldwide for almost the last 30 Years! The average lifespan of a Japanese woman is 84 years old! Even though they live the longest they still manage to look the youngest and are very resilient to the natural process of aging. Luckily, you can also

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Ketogenic Diet – 7 Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan

The ketogenic diet (often called keto diet ) dates back to the 1920s and was created by endocrinologist Dr. Henry Geyelin to treating epilepsy.  In 1921 Geyelin found that kind of food which he recommended has a positive effect on how the body processes nutrients, leading to fewer attacks in patients. It is very similar

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Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Nutrition and Food Balance your meals. Have protein, healthy carbohydrate, fat and vegetables and/fruit at each meal. Healthy Carbohydrates include brown rice, whole wheat breads, pastas and crackers, starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, parsnips and potatoes, quinoa, millet, amaranth. Eat three meals plus snacks. Eating three meals plus snacks ensures that you will eat on

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