Healthy Tips

Is CBD a Cure-All or a Snake Oil or Something In Between?

CBD—short for cannabidiol—is a compound extracted from the marijuana plant that’s touted in ads as a way to relieve everything from chronic pain to anxiety to insomnia. Seemingly overnight, a dizzying array of products that contain CBD is now on sale in convenience stores and other retailers or online. They come in the form of […]

Is CBD a Cure-All or a Snake Oil or Something In Between? Read More »

What You Can Do to Reduce Esophageal Cancer Risks

Esophageal cancer, classified as either esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) or esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), is the seventh leading cause of death in men in the United States. Two-thirds of esophageal cancers in the United States are EAC. To gain a comprehensive understanding of esophageal cancer, researchers analyzed data from the United States Cancer Statistics registry,

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5 Fun Fall Activities to Burn Major Calories

Cooler weather and outdoor activities are part of what make fall fantastic. But this can also be a great opportunity to up the ante on your calorie burning potential. Getting outside and moving more automatically puts you at a major advantage to sitting indoors in front of a computer or TV. After all, being sedentary

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How diabetes can affect your mental health

People with diabetes can experience mental-health issues like depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Here’s what you need to know about the emotional and mental impact of diabetes.  Diabetes is a disease that can be a challenge physically and emotionally, both for those who have it and for family members. And people living with it have

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