Healthy Tips

Expert tips to prevent skin damage from face masks

Face masks have become essential in the paraphernalia for prevention of the coronavirus pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic, healthcare workers and those who are in close contact with an infected person were advised to wear a face mask. However, with the spread of the pandemic, advisories have been updated, now recommending everyone to wear a

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5 Types of Belly Fat and How to Get Rid of Them the Harmless Way

With summer around the corner, there are few who are preparing themselves conscientiously to eliminate those extra stomach fat kilos… For that reason, today we wanted to go into one of the areas where the fat usually gets embeded more often in both men and women: the belly! You may have tried everything, and that for

5 Types of Belly Fat and How to Get Rid of Them the Harmless Way Read More »

How anti-vaxxers have rebranded in the coronavirus era: ‘Our bodies are ours, not for someone else to govern’

ears before this year’s anti-mask and reopening demonstrations, vaccine opponents were working on reinventing their image around a rallying cry of civil liberties and medical freedom Now, boosted by the pandemic and the political climate, their rebranding is appealing to a different subset of society invested in civil liberties — and, some health officials say, undercutting

How anti-vaxxers have rebranded in the coronavirus era: ‘Our bodies are ours, not for someone else to govern’ Read More »

Facebook bans anti-vaccination ads but not antivax posts

Facebook says it will ban ads on its platform that discourage vaccinations — with an exception carved out for advocacy ads about government vaccine policies. The company already bans ads about vaccine “hoaxes,” such as the false idea that vaccinations cause autism. The latest policy expands the ban to ads that discourage vaccines for any

Facebook bans anti-vaccination ads but not antivax posts Read More »

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