Rashes and itching is a form of skin irritation that causes and urges to scratch on the affected area. Itching and Skin rashes could affect either a local area on the skin or could be present throughout your body. Rashes…
Breasts need care for more than cosmetic reasons. Over 3 million women are suffering from breast cancer in the United States, according to a study conducted in 2015 . It is sometimes hard to detect illnesses related to breasts because,…
The excess fat on the back is an extremely embarrassing part of your body that can make you feel unconfident even though you look great in some clothing. Actually, the underarm and back fat are considered as the most challenging…
Nowadays both contemporary medicine, as well as folk medicine have gathered a lot of data about disease diagnosis taking into account the state of the nails. Traditional Chinese Medicine has established a long time that there is a very tight…
The exercises below can be used as a guide to relieving non-specific LBP (i.e. not as a result of an acute injury or condition), and are recommended to be done daily to most effectively treat and prevent LBP. 1. Pelvic…
In the last few decades we have all witnessed to be full of heart issues and pressure, cholesterol, atherosclerosis. These are coming from unhealthy diet and no moving. And they can even be deadly. So, therefore, we must pay attention…
Do you dream of having a thigh gap? Do you feel like you’re constantly exercising, but you cannot seem to reach your dream goal? The key to having the perfect thigh gap (space between the inner thighs) is to create muscle and…